General Information and Policies

Future Absent Policy

If you or your child will be absent please let April or Christina know in advanced to allow ample time to find a sub for your position. You can contact them a few days in advance in person to have this scheduled. 

Sick Policy

If you or your child has experienced any of these symptoms in the last 24 hours, please let April  know by texting or calling her as soon as possible or by 8:30am the day you will not be attending:
Fever (100.4° or higher)
Head lice
Sever runny nose not due to allergies
Pink eye

Weather Closing Policy

As a general rule we will not be having co-op if the Des Moines public schools close for the day due to weather. But even if they are not closed co-op may still close. We take into confederation the condition of the roads in and out of town (for our families that have to drive into town) as well as what the weather will be doing before and after co-op time. Text, and email will be sent out by 8:30am the day of co-op as well as the blog being update. Please check those things before leaving your house during questionable weather days. 

Location of Classes
0-2 year olds- Nursery #2 (downstairs nursery) or Nursery #3 (upstairs "slide room")
3 year olds- Pre-K-All Purpose Room

Music- Chapel

Art- Area near Kitchen in the gym

Spanish- Library

Science- Fellowship Hall

Class Schedule

9:25 Drop your children off in nursery or Chapel
                After drop off:
                -Teachers go to classrooms: Begin set up for the day; get  table and
                  chairs set up, get supply bin from area.
                 - Group leaders go to chapel to help out your group
                 -Nursery Caretakers go to rooms
                 - Admins will be ensuring all positions are covered, supplies are                        where they are needed and assisting parents.

9:30-9:45 Opening in chapel
                -A group leader will be leading the opening.
                 By saying a short prayer, leading the children in the pledge of allegiance,                  and reading that weeks theme story from the Jesus Storybook Bible.
                 Group leaders will dismiss students at 9:45 for their first class.

9:50-10:15 Class 1

10:15-10:30 Snack and restroom break

10:35-11:00 Class 2

11:05-11:30 Class 3

11:30 Class Dismissal
-Teachers return tables, chairs, and supply bin to designated areas. 
-Teachers go and pick up your children from the nurseries. 
-Group leaders and Pre K teacher/assistant take children to the chapel and seat them in their assigned rows. 

-Mrs. Bianca Boscoljon will be in there to supervise the children and do closing with them until their parents arrive. 
-Group leaders then pick up their children from the nurseries. 
-Once children are picked up from nursery please pick up your children from the chapel.

-Nursery workers once all children are picked up, proceed to the chapel to pick up your older children.

-Once parents are in the chapel it will be assumed that they are responsible for their children and Bianca will be relieved of her closing role. 

Disruptive Student Policy
When a student is being disruptive to the class, a group leader or teacher will verbally ask them to stop the disruptive behavior.
  • If the child continues the disruptive behavior a group leader or teacher will ask them to sit away from the class for the number of minutes they are old.
  • If after they have had time apart from the class and the child continues the disruptive behavior, a group leader will locate their parent via the emergency contact sheet. And take the child to the parent and explain their disruptive behavior. At that time the parent will have the opportunity to help their child correct their behavior and when they are ready, the parent will return the child back to their class.
  • If a child is asked to sit away from their group for a second time (but different class period) they will be taken to their parent instead of sitting away.
  • If at anytime during the day a child is asked to sit away from the class a group leader will notify the parent at the end of the day.
Our hope for this new policy is that our children can learn in a group setting, while respecting the rest of the group members.
If you have any questions regarding this new policy please contact Christina White or April Scherb.

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