This is a page you can look at weekly to find out all about what your child/children are learning weekly.
April 11, 2014- God's Wonderful Surprise Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20
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4/4/14 The Sun Stops Shining Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19
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Today in Art, we remembered how Christ wore the crown of thorns on his head when he was crucified. So today, we focused on Texture. The texture of the crown of thorns was "pokey" or "sharp." We discussed what texture is and how to show "Implied Texture" in our artwork. We had fun implementing the technique of Scratch Art to create a neat display of different implied textures, such as the following: bumpy, soft, rough, pokey, fluffy, crinkly, prickly, wet, fuzzy, etc. Scratch Art is a drawing technique where you literally "scratch" through a layer to reveal color(s) underneath.
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Pre K
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3/28/14 A Dark Night in the Garden Luke 22, Mark 14, John 18
Today we reviewed the staff and looked at the notes found in the staff. Then we played a bean bag toss game, in which we had to toss the bean bag onto the staff, and then tell the note that it landed on. We also focused on where D is on the staff, and then played a piece of music on the piano and boomwhackers.
We learned the science of bubbles. Doing 4 different demonstrations (bubble solution, straws in cups of water, observing soda & the dry ice bubble) the kids discovered the one always necessary component of a bubble--gas!
Today the pre-schools learned a lot about prayer. We master the short verse, Psalm 28:1, "I pray to you, O Lord, my rock." We even made prayer cubes so we could roll it for ideas on how we can pray to God. We studied the letters Ww and Xx and made a watermelon and x-ray craft respectively for their alphabet book. We worked on the number 9 with stickers and beads. We reviewed shapes and played a fun game where we put various shapes together to made objects, like a boat or caterpillar!
3/21/14 The Servant King Mark 14, John 13-14
(coming soon!)
Today in Art, we remembered how Christ wore the crown of thorns on his head when he was crucified. So today, we focused on Texture. The texture of the crown of thorns was "pokey" or "sharp." We discussed what texture is and how to show "Implied Texture" in our artwork. We had fun implementing the technique of Scratch Art to create a neat display of different implied textures, such as the following: bumpy, soft, rough, pokey, fluffy, crinkly, prickly, wet, fuzzy, etc. Scratch Art is a drawing technique where you literally "scratch" through a layer to reveal color(s) underneath.
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Pre K
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3/28/14 A Dark Night in the Garden Luke 22, Mark 14, John 18
Today we reviewed the staff and looked at the notes found in the staff. Then we played a bean bag toss game, in which we had to toss the bean bag onto the staff, and then tell the note that it landed on. We also focused on where D is on the staff, and then played a piece of music on the piano and boomwhackers.
We learned the science of bubbles. Doing 4 different demonstrations (bubble solution, straws in cups of water, observing soda & the dry ice bubble) the kids discovered the one always necessary component of a bubble--gas!
Today the pre-schools learned a lot about prayer. We master the short verse, Psalm 28:1, "I pray to you, O Lord, my rock." We even made prayer cubes so we could roll it for ideas on how we can pray to God. We studied the letters Ww and Xx and made a watermelon and x-ray craft respectively for their alphabet book. We worked on the number 9 with stickers and beads. We reviewed shapes and played a fun game where we put various shapes together to made objects, like a boat or caterpillar!
This week we reviewed our colors, numbers and clothing. We talked about the colors on our clothes and practiced counting 1-25 and by 10's to 100.
Today we learned about the staff, and how to read notes on the staff. Today we looked at a piece of music that had middle C, and after practicing the rhythms together, played the music on the boomwhackers and on the piano!
Pre K
Today we read 1 Peter 4:10 "serve one another" and we made dirty feet and pretended to wash them in a bowl! We also learned the Letter Vv and the Number 8, and Reviewed Colors and Shapes.
3/14/14 Washed with Tears Mark 14, Luke 7, John 12
We learned about density using salt. We took 5 cups of warm water & added 2tsp, 3tsp, 4tsp & so on into each cup. Then we put a bit of food coloring in each one. When we speed a straw in the cup with 2tsp & then the one with 3, the more dense (3tsp) stayed on the bottom. We stacked all 5 solutions in a straw!
In Art today we made a representation on how Jesus views us. On the outside we will always show sin because we are sinful humans who can not be perfect but with Jesus in us, he cleans up our heart and forgives us our sins. Our boxes have words like Sin, lies, hate and greed on the outside but on the inside there is a beautiful picture.
Pre K
After practicing Luke 4:49 "The [Jesus] said to her, 'Your sins have been forgiven,'" the pre-schoolers colors their very own alabaster jar to pretend to pour on Jesus. We studied the letter Uu and made umbrellas for their alphabet book! We practice the number 7 with stickers and beads and finished up class reviewing shapes and colors.
3/7/14 Running Away Luke 15
(coming soon!)
Today we started to learn about how to read music notes. We used the boomwhackers, and each learned what note we had, and then read the music to know when to play our note in order to play a song! We also talked about pitch, and whether the note that we each had was higher or lower than the previous note. We then got to play a game where we hid a drumstick, and as the person was looking for it, we sang in a higher pitch as they got closer to give them a clue of where to find it. :)
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Today we started to learn about how to read music notes. We used the boomwhackers, and each learned what note we had, and then read the music to know when to play our note in order to play a song! We also talked about pitch, and whether the note that we each had was higher or lower than the previous note. We then got to play a game where we hid a drumstick, and as the person was looking for it, we sang in a higher pitch as they got closer to give them a clue of where to find it. :)
This week we discovered that there is metal in our cereal--iron! The kids use a magnet & did two different tests to see if our bran flakes reacted. In the first experiment, the kids used dry crunched up cereal & ran the magnet over it. Viola! It stuck. Then we took it a step farther & put warm water in a baggie with our cereal & mushed it up. When we held a magnet over it, little particles of a dark metallic color stuck to our magnet. We learned this is called food grade iron & it is essential to our health!
Pre K
Today we studied the letter Tt and made Tigers for their alphabet book. We worked on the number 6 with stickers and beads. We reviewed colors and playing a very fun color matching puzzle game.
We are praying for our teacher, Mrs. Cline, as she's recovering!
This week we discovered that there is metal in our cereal--iron! The kids use a magnet & did two different tests to see if our bran flakes reacted. In the first experiment, the kids used dry crunched up cereal & ran the magnet over it. Viola! It stuck. Then we took it a step farther & put warm water in a baggie with our cereal & mushed it up. When we held a magnet over it, little particles of a dark metallic color stuck to our magnet. We learned this is called food grade iron & it is essential to our health!
Pre K
Today we studied the letter Tt and made Tigers for their alphabet book. We worked on the number 6 with stickers and beads. We reviewed colors and playing a very fun color matching puzzle game.
We are praying for our teacher, Mrs. Cline, as she's recovering!
2/28/14 The Man who didn't have any friends Luke 19
Today in music class we
practiced our rhythms and each got a chance to play a simple rock beat on the drum
set! The class sang the muffin rhyme while the drummer kept the beat on
the set. We also talked about the story about Zaccheus that we learned today,
and sang a song about Zaccheus.
Pre K
Today we learned about the
letter "s" as in snowman. We glued snowballs (cotton balls) on a
snowman, read "Amy Loves Snow" by Julia Hoban, and sang this fun song:
I'm a Little Snowman (tune: I'm a little teapot)
I'm a little snowman short and fat.
Here is my scarf, here is my hat.
When the snow is falling come and play,
Build a snowman every day.
We also reviewed the color orange and practiced tracing and counting the numbers 4 and 5. We also traced triangles today. Finally, for bible time we enjoyed learning about Zacchaeus and sang the "Zacchaeus Song" (100 Bible Stories 100 Binle Songs Vol. 2 track 81). We enjoyed painting and coloring our bible craft.
I'm a Little Snowman (tune: I'm a little teapot)
I'm a little snowman short and fat.
Here is my scarf, here is my hat.
When the snow is falling come and play,
Build a snowman every day.
We also reviewed the color orange and practiced tracing and counting the numbers 4 and 5. We also traced triangles today. Finally, for bible time we enjoyed learning about Zacchaeus and sang the "Zacchaeus Song" (100 Bible Stories 100 Binle Songs Vol. 2 track 81). We enjoyed painting and coloring our bible craft.
(coming soon!)
Today we learned about
different kinds of lines and then practiced making them. Some of the lines we
learned about are horizontal, vertical, diagonal, wavy, dashed, zigzag, and
spiral lines. After practicing making each kind of line we drew pictures of
ourselves just waking up and then added all of the different kinds of lines to
show our crazy hair.
2/21/14 Friend of Little Children Matthew 18, 19, Mark 10, Luke 18
We learned about acids & bases today. Mrs. Rude made a red cabbage leaf indicator. We used it to test 7 different substances. We compared the color the substance turned to with a chart that told us the pH. It was really cool!
Today we all made a small drawing or cut-out shape, then put our creations together. We also each contributed a hand print. We learned that by working together, we can make a big piece of art that we can all appreciate, rather than single pieces for each of us to take home. The final creation was more interesting and beautiful than our individual pieces alone.
In Spanish class today, we learned the words for our body, and also for some animals, like bear (oso) and cow (vaca).
Pre K
The Preschoolers have had fun practicing tracing their names. We enjoyed learning about how Jesus loves children! We sang many songs including the traditional "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Jesus Loves Me" as well as the following song that went with our verse today:
Let the Children Come to Me (Tune: London Bridges) Mark 10:14
"Let the children come to me,
come to me, come to me.
Let the children come to me, Jesus said."
We also learned about the letter "R" as in "Road." We had fun identifying pictures of objects that started with the letter "R" as well as crawling through a tunnel to match capital and lowercase "R's." We read the book "Little Blue Truck" by Alice Schertle and made a fun Road page for our alphabet book. We reviewed and traced the numbers three and four as well as used black markers to trace squares.
2/14/14 Filled Full Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9
We learned that yeast is a living thing & that it really loves sugar. We talked about three groups of living things animals, plants & fungi. We discovered that yeast is a fungi.
In music class we did lots of reviewing what we have learned about rhythm, keeping steady beat, and tempo, because we are going to use this a lot to play lots of drums and learn lots of different beats the next couple of weeks!
We also played some games for valentines day, where we marched around in a circle, keeping the beat of the song "will you be my valentine?", and when the music stopped, had to find a friend that was holding the same color of heart and sit down as a pair as fast as we could!
Today we learned about the Letter Q as in Quilt. We read a sweet story called "The Quilt Story" by Tony Johnston and Tomie dePaola and made a paper quilt for our Alphabet Book.
We also worked on counting and tracing the number "2", tracing hearts, and reviewing the color "red."
We talked about Jesus feeding the 5000 and made our own "baskets" with fish and bread.
We practiced the verse, "My God will meet all your needs" Philippians 4:19.
We spent the remainder of our time celebrating Valentine's Day by talking about God's love for us and our love for others as well as decorating Valentine's Bags and passing out treats/Valentines.
2/7/14 Captain of the Storm Mark 4 and Matthew 8
Today we continued to learn about how music is used expressively and to tell a story. We were able to be creative by listening to some songs, and then brainstormed together what happened in the story and what kind of story the music is telling us. We used clues that we previously learned about, such as listening if the music has a fast or slow tempo, and listening if the key is major or minor.
Fast or slow tempo tells us if the mood is happy and upbeat(which is major), or sad and/or scary(which is minor).
We then were able to listen to a musical excerpt from a movie, but before we knew what movie it was from, we each imagined what was going on in the movie while the music was playing.
We then drew a picture of the story we imagined, and then shared the story with the group to hear how we each interpreted the music. Then we got to watch to see what was actually happening with the music!
Today we did bubble art with colored bubbles. Like the waves of the sea crashing against the side of the boat, the bubbles came alive as they burst onto the paper that we placed on top of them. We stopped them just like Jesus stopped the waves. Oil pastels helped us finish our boats and skies. We were then left with some cool art.
Today we had two young ladies from Bogotá, Colombia come talk to our Spanish classes about their country. They showed maps to show the location of their country, paper money and coins (currency: pesos), a flag, a hat to try on, and pictures of points of interest (i.e., a cathedral made of salt, Plaza de Bolívar, and images of artifacts made of gold), pictures of their native food AND they brought one of their favorite fruit juice to share with the children. YUM!! Their presentation culminated with a game Colombian school aged children play at school and at home with neighborhood kids. FUN!
Pre K
Today we enjoyed learning about how Jesus is so strong and mighty that even the wind and the waves obey him and how we do not have to be afraid because God will always take care of us.
We practiced the verse, "When I am afraid I will trust in Him." Psalm 56:3.
We made wave streamers and danced to the song that goes with our verse (Hide Em In Your Heart Vol. 1 #5).
We also did a science experiment today! We guessed whether certain items would sink or float and then tested our hypotheses! We sorted items into the different categories based on our science experiment.
We traced our names, circles, and the numbers zero and one. We also reviewed the color blue.
Finally, we learned about the letter Pp as in Penguin and had a blast singing this song:
I'm a Little Penguin (Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little penguin black and white
I waddle to the left, I waddle to the right.
I cannot fly but I can swim,
So I waddle to the water and dive right in!
1/31/14 The Singer (Matthew 6, 9 and Luke 12)
We mixed vinegar & baking soda to create carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide created bubbles that helped our pasta noodles to dance on our vases!
Today we learned about how we need to trust in God and know that he has a plan for everything. To represent this, we created inkblot art by using paint and folding paper bags in half. We created one-of-a-kind art. We also talked about what each others art looked like.
Pre K
Today we learned about The Sermon on the Mount and how God cares about us so much! We practiced the verse "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7.
We also learned about the letter "O" as in Octopus. We had fun counting out 8 "arms" for each octopus.
We also played "Barnyard Bingo" to help review and identify animals and colors. We played a fun bowling game to work on identifying numbers and counting.
We sang this silly song today:
Orange Octopus (Tune: If you're happy and you know it)
Oh, I wish I was an orange octopus.
Oh, I wish I was an orange octopus.
Oh I'd wave my lovely legs,
And I'd splash in all the waves.
Oh, I wish I was an orange octopus.
1/24/14 How to Pray (Matthew 6)
Today in Science, we did an exothermic reaction. The kids mixed hydrogen peroxide, dish soap & yeast. it produced a warm, foam that looked like toothpaste for an elephant!
We went through the A B Cs, numbers, and spelled each others names in spanish. We reviewed colors and clothing names by each child standing up and pointing to a clothing item, saying the clothing item and the color that it is.
T shirt...camiseta
Reminder... a child cannot learn Spanish only doing it 30 mins every Friday. Please be reviewing the alphabet and numbers and colors with your child as part of your homeschooling if you are serious about your child learning Spanish. It's hard to move on to more exciting things when they don't know the alphabet yet or numbers.
Today in music class we reviewed the instruments that we learned about last time, and finished the story/music of Peter and the Wolf. In the story, we listened to how they used different instruments to represent the characters, and how they used different sounds to tell if they were happy, sad, sneaky, mean, etc, and we learned that if we hear a happy tune, it is a major key, and if it sounds sad or mean, it is in a minor key.
We took turns listening to chords and scales on the piano to determine if it was major or minor (happy or sad sounding).
We also sang about the old lady who swallowed a fly, and got to act out the characters from that song.
Pre K
Today we learned about Jesus being tempted in the desert and then calling the disciples. We talked about what it meant to "fish for people" and sang "I will make you fishers of men."
We also learned about the letter Nn as in Net. We did many fun activities with fish to reinforce colors, shapes, and numbers. We also worked on our fine motor skills and tried attach fish to a string using clothespins.
Our verse for the week is “Come, follow me,” Jesus said,“and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19.
1/3/14 Heaven Breaks through (Matthew
3, Luke 1, 3; John 1)
12/13/13 The Light of
the World (Luke 2)
In music class we sang a song about John the Baptist. Here are the lyrics:
John, Oh John, cousin of the Lord
Sent by God to prepare the way
Telling all the people to repent
"You should change your ways while it still is day"
His food did not cost money
He ate locust and wild honey
Repent Repent change your ways
You must not keep sinning every day
We then learned about lots of different instruments in the percussion, woodwind, brass and strings family, and what makes instruments in each group make sound. Then we talked about how you can use these instruments to tell a story. We listened to Peter and the Wolf, in which a different instrument represents a different animal, and we listened to what kind of instrument and sound was telling the story of each animal, and tried to predict what that animal would be like before we read the story. For example, the music that represented the bird sounded very happy, and the cat sounded slow and sneaky
We learned about deserts!
We discovered that not all deserts are hot but all are very dry. The
precipitation can be as low a 1.5 cm for a year. One of the most
surprising facts was that the arctic areas are considered deserts!
This week in Spanish we reviewed our clothing items, our numbers 1-50 and 1-100 for the older groups, colors and the alphabet, along with learning how to spell each students name.
Pre K
Today we enjoyed learning about John the Baptist and Jesus! We practiced the verse, "I am the light of the world." John 8:12. We also learned about the Letter Mm as in Mitten and read the book "The Mitten" by Jan Brett. We had a blast playing with the animal masks and acting out the story. We also reviewed all colors, shapes, and numbers learned using fun "mitten" games. We sang this fun song:
The Mittens Song: (Tune: Wheels on the Bus)
The mittens on my hands keep me warm
Keep me warm, keep me warm
The mittens on my hands keep me warm. All winter long!
The hat on my head covers my ears...
The scarf around my neck is so long...
The boots on my feet jump in the snow...
On Friday,
we talked about chemical reactions. The kids got into groups & each
group received 3 glow sticks. They placed one glue stick in hot &
cold water & left one room temperature. We discovered that cold
slows down the reaction dimming the glow while hot speeds it up &
brightens the glow.
Today in Art, we talked about
how Jesus is the Light of the World! To help represent this, we made
clay candle holders! The younger students created a pinch pot using the
clay molding technique of pinching, while the older students used the
technique of coil building. We also learned how to join clay using the
technique of "scoring and slipping." Our clay holders can hold a tea
light candle which, when lit, can remind us of how Jesus is the Light of
the World!
We opened up with the prayer today and like last week reviewed the following...
• vowels sounds
• alphabet
• colors
• 7 food names
• counted to 50, and the older groups counted to 100
We reviewed
making small sentences with "quiero" (I want) using the food names,
colors and numbers (i.e., "Quiero dohs pollos, por favor.") "I want two chickens, please"
Today we had great fun during our birthday
party for Baby Jesus! We talked about the best gift we could ever
receive...Jesus! We also learned about the letter K as in King and how
Jesus came to be our King. We reviewed numbers 0-10 as well as all of
the colors and shapes we have learned so far. We had fun singing "Away
in a Manger" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing."12/6/13 He's Here! (Luke 1-2)
Today in music class we started by talking about today's story and sang some songs including "Away in A Manger". We continued to learn about rhythm, and learned about whole notes and quarter rests. We also learned what the music staff is and how to read some notes on the staff, using what we have learned about rhythms and how to play the notes using the boom whackers. We then got to play jingle bells with the boom whackers and on the big stepping piano.
Today we learned about babies developing in the womb. The kids learned that the heart begins beating at 5 weeks, and a baby develops arms and legs at 8 weeks. We discovered that fingerprints are fully formed at 19 weeks & that they are formed by the baby moving it's hands & legs inside the womb. That is pretty cool!
Opened up with the prayer (75% of each class has worked on that, hooray!).
• vowels sounds
• alphabet
• colors
• 7 food names
• counted to 50, and the older groups counted to 100
making small sentences with "quiero" (I want) using the food names,
colors and numbers (i.e., "Quiero 2 pollos, por favor.")
Read the book "Siete Ratónes Ciegos" (Seven Blind Mice). Ask your child to tell you the story.
should have received 2 papers from your kids; one was the alphabet
pronunciation and the other is the song that the kids will soon be
Pre K
Today was a wonderful day learning about Jesus' Birth! We acted out the nativity story, colored nativity finger puppets (which will be sent home next week), sang "Away in a Manger," and learned the verse, "For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given." Isaiah 9:6. We also learned that J is for Jesus! We read the book "J is for Jesus" by Crystal Bowman and did many candy cane activities including, making a candy cane book, making AB patterns with red and white poms to make a Christmas ornament, and stamping white lines on a candy cane cutout to make a J page for our ABC book. We had fun learning about the number 10, the color gray, and the shape octagon.
11/22/13 Daniel and the Scary Sleepover (Daniel 6)
Today in music class we talked about Daniel, and sang a song about Daniel. Here are the lyrics:
There once was a man called Daniel.
Good old Daniel.
He prayed to God three times a day.
Good old Daniel.
The king’s decree said worship me.
Poor old Daniel.
But Daniel would not bow the knee.
Good old Daniel.
And the gates went (clap)
and the locks went (click)
and the lions began to ROAR.
And the lions began to ROAR.
They couldn't eat Daniel if they tried.
Good old Daniel.
Because the Lord was on his side.
Good old Daniel.
Good old Daniel.
He prayed to God three times a day.
Good old Daniel.
The king’s decree said worship me.
Poor old Daniel.
But Daniel would not bow the knee.
Good old Daniel.
And the gates went (clap)
and the locks went (click)
and the lions began to ROAR.
And the lions began to ROAR.
They couldn't eat Daniel if they tried.
Good old Daniel.
Because the Lord was on his side.
Good old Daniel.
We also learned about half notes, and read rhythms and played a game to review quarter notes and eighth notes. After that we moved to the music, listening to pitch (dancing high or low, depending on if the music was high or low), and tempo (dancing fast or slow depending on the music.)
Today in Art, we reviewed Daniel in the Lion's Den. We talked about how male lions have big, beautiful manes. We used oil pastels to "blend" colors in making our own lion's mane. We learned about "analogous colors," which are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. For our lion's mane, we chose three analogous colors and used the technique of blending to make the mane look stunning and attractive to the eye.
We reviewed and practiced our prayer, vowels, alphabet, colors and learned the following new words:
Milk: la leche
Bread: el pan
Potato: la papa
Juice: el jugo
Salad: la ensalada
Every new word will be taught with its corresponding male or female articles (parents get your grammar books out, if you don't remember what an article is.)
Last but definitely not least, they learned to say "I want" in Spanish.
For those parents that know, or are somewhat familiar with Spanish (from back in the day), there are two ways of saying "I want": "Yo quiero" or simply "Quiero," - la latter implies "I". We are teaching the simpler way:
I want: Quiero (key-eh-roh)
Please: Por favor (pohr-fah-vohr)
Parents: Here is a stat for you to consider; 10% of each class knows the prayer, the vowels, the alphabet, the colors, and numbers 1-40). At this age (3-7) is when children are like sponges. Practice with your kids at playtime, a meal time, or before bedtime. Numbers are not quite as important as all the rest.
Today we had fun learning about Daniel and the Lions' Den. We talked about how thankful we would be if God protected us like he did Daniel and practiced the verse, "You are my God, and I will give you thanks" Psalm 118:28. We also took a few minutes to talk about what we are thankful for in our own lives. We made lion masks and pretended to be lions and practiced following directions. We learned about the letter L as in Lion and went on a lion hunt! We also talked about the color brown, the shape pentagon, and the number nine.
11/15/13 The Young Hero and The Horrible Giant (1 Samuel 17)
Today we learned "slingshot science." We used rubber bands to shoot paper flingers. They learned about three physics concepts-- Newton's 1st law of motion, momentum, and force.
Today each group leader helped our students with a coloring matching sheet and reviewed our numbers 1-20 and colors:
red- rojo (ROH-hoh)
white- blanco (BLAHN-koh)
black- negro (NEH-groh)
blue- azul (ah-SOOL)
orange- anaranjado (ah-nah-ran-HA-do)
yellow- amarillo (AH-mah-REE-joh)
green- verde (VAYR-day)
brown- cafe (Kah-feh)
purple- morado (mho-rah-doh)
Today in Art, we discussed how although David was a small man and the youngest of seven brothers, God saw something good inside of him and chose him to be the new king of Israel and also helped him overcome Goliath! People often look at one another and judge by outward appearances, but God looks inside our hearts to see our inner beauty and goodness. It's what is on the inside that matters, not the outside. So today, we drew a self-portrait with the focus of drawing our facial features proportionally. This is how we look on the outside. On the flip side of our paper, we drew symbols or wrote words that represent the kind of person GOD sees us as.
Pre K
Today we learned about David and Goliath and practiced the verse 1 Samuel 17:47 "The battle is the Lord's."
We talked about being brave and had opportunities to do "brave things."
We compared "big" things and "small" things and sang this fun song:
Big and Small (Tune: Deep and Wide)
Big and small
Big and small
Goliath was big and David small
Big and small
Big and small
Goliath was big and David small
We also learned about the Letter Ii and how it makes two different sounds. We played a fun ice cream game and identified circles and triangles while making an Ice Cream page for our alphabet book. Finally, we learned about the color black, lines, and the number eight.
11/8/13 Tens ways to be perfect (Exodus 16-17, 19-40)
Today in music we learned a song about the 10 commandments. Here are the lyrics:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 the ten commandments
You'll discover how to love God and each other when you keep the 10 commandments.
also reviewed pitch and rhythms, and then got to take turns composing a
song for the rest of the class to play on the boomwhackers.
This week we learned about clouds. Clouds need just a few things to form--water vapor, dust & a sudden decline in temperature. We were able to recreate this inside a 2 L bottle & thus create a pretty impressive cloud!
Opened up with the prayer. An assistant asked why say "Diosito" and not "Dios". 1) "ito" or "ita" is a diminutive. And, 2) it's like saying "daddy" - it's a children's prayer, after all.
We practiced our Spanish vowels and alphabet letters, as well as numbers 1 - 20. The small aged group got to play Red Light, Green Light in Spanish. The older groups got to write their names on the white board, and then spelled their names in Spanish, Mrs. Johnson's fun idea!
This week our new word was:
Jacket- Abrigo (pronunciation ah-bree-goh)
We also reviewed our colors:
red- rojo (ROH-hoh)
white- blanco (BLAHN-koh)
black- negro (NEH-groh)
blue- azul (ah-SOOL)
orange- anaranjado (ah-nah-ran-HA-do)
yellow- amarillo (AH-mah-REE-joh)
green- verde (VAYR-day)
brown- cafe (Kah-feh)
purple- morado (mho-rah-doh)
Mrs. Lima encourages parents to practice at home with their children to help them better retain this new language.
Pre K
Today we learned about The 10 commandments and had a blast singing to "The Ten Commandment Boogie" by GoFish. We studied the Letter "Hh" as in House. We read the book "The Napping House" and had fun helping the teachers recite and sequence the repetitive story. We learned about the Number-seven, the color-white, and the shape-diamond. It was a fun day!
11/1/13 God to the Rescue (Exodus 3-13)
Today in music class we learned about high and low pitch. We
practiced using high and low vo-ices in the story "The Three Little
Pigs," using our best high voices for the pigs, and our low voices for
the wolf. We also did an experiment blowing across water bottles,
listening to see if a water bottle with more water would be a higher or
lower pitch. Then we got to play with our new instruments! The boomwhackers, we listened as
we played each one in order to line up from lowest to highest pitch, and
then used the boomwhackers to read music and play "Mary Had A Little

Today we used paint to learn more about warm and cool colors. We painted one side of our page with warm colors (red, orange and yellow) to represent the day time. We painted the other side of our page with cool colors (blue, purple, and green) to represent night time. We talked about
Passover and the plagues.
Coming Soon
Pre K
Today we
learned about how God had big plans for Moses and how He has big plans
for each of us! We practiced the verse, Exodus 3:12a, "And God said, 'I
will be with you.'" We learned the letter "Gg" as in Guitar, the
number 6-six, the color pink, and the shape-oval. We also worked on
identifying shapes and we had a blast playing "Follow the Leader" and
playing our air guitars! :)10/25/2013 Forgiving Prince (Genesis 37-46)
Today we learned about our digestive system. Starting with our teeth all the way to our anus, our food makes a long journey. Did you know our small intestine is 20 feet long?! God is an amazing creator!
Today we made hearts cut from construction paper, and we cut the hearts in half to represent Joseph's broken heart. Then we punched holes in them and tied them back together, to show forgiveness. Like Joseph who forgive his brothers. We also learned about crosshatching as a shading technique.
Today we continued to learn our alphabet in Spanish, we focused on the letters A-K. We reviewed our vowels and colors. And the older kids in Red group played eye-spy in Spanish!
We learned the numbers 11-20
11: Ohn-seh
12: Doh-seh
13: Treh-seh
14: Kah-tohr-seh
15: Keen-seh
16: Dee-eh-see-see-ais
17: Dee-eh-see-see-eh-teh
18: Dee-eh-see-oh-choh
19: Dee-eh-see-nuh-eh-veh
20: Veh-een-teh
Pre K
Today we learned about Joseph and his coat of many colors and practiced the verse, Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." We learned about the letter "F" as in Foot, the number 5 five, the color-purple, and the shape-heart. We also practiced identifying body parts and learned two new songs:
Foot Song (Tune: London Bridges):
I can walk with two feet, two feet, two feet.
I can walk with two feet, two feet, all day long.
I can skip...
I can jump...
I can hop...
I can march...
I can run...
I can slide...
"Overcome Evil with Good"-Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol.1 #4 by Steve Green
10/18/2013 Son of Laughter (Genesis 12-21)
Today in music class we reviewed what
tempo means (telling us how fast or slow the music goes.) Then we sang
"Alive Alert Awake" starting with a slow tempo and getting faster and
faster until we were all jumping around and out of breath! We also sang
"Father Abraham" and talked about God's promise to Abraham. Then we
reviewed quarter notes and learned about 8th notes, and applied what we
learned to the rhyme "3 Little Muffins" and got to play rhythms on the
bass drum and snare drum. Here are some lyrics to our songs:
Alive Alert Awake
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!
I'm alive,
alert, awake, enthusiastic!
I'm alive, alert, awake, I'm awake, alert, alive,
I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!
3 Little Muffins
3 little muffins in the bakery shop
You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top
Along came a boy with a penny to pay
Bought one muffin and ran away!
Then there were 2 little muffins in the bakery shop
You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top
Along came a boy with a penny to pay
Bought one muffin and ran away!
Then there was 1 little muffin in the bakery shop
You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the
Along came a boy with a penny to pay
Bought one muffin and ran away!
Then there were no little muffins in the bakery shop
You know the kind with the honey and the nuts on the top
Along came a boy with a penny to pay
And he said WHAT!?! NO MUFFINS?!?
Today we made comets using water, dirt, syrup, rubbing alcohol & dry ice. The comets bubbled & shot out gas just like the real thing. We also observed how comets have tails by holding it close to the light & watching the gas escape.
Today Ms. Lamb was our substitute teacher and she introduced the Spanish alphabet to us. Two handouts will be sent home with us in a few weeks to help our parents continue to teach us about the alphabet.
Today we learned about Abraham and Sarah and how they waited
patiently for God to fulfill his promise to them. We practiced the
verse, “Rest in the
Lord and wait patiently for him.” Psalm 37:7a. We had fun learning
about the Letter "Ee" as in Elephant, the Number 4, the Color-Green, and
the shape-star. We also learned about the concept of "old" vs.
"young." We enjoyed singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and a song to
the same tune to help us learn our verse:
"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Psalm 37 verse 7, Psalm 37 verse 7.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
10/11/2013 A Giant Staircase to Heaven (Genesis 11)
Today in music class we continued to learn about keeping a steady beat, and learned that the word "tempo" tells us how fast or slow the music is. We sang the song "Alive, Alert, Awake, Enthusiastic" and continued to make the tempo faster and faster as we sang! We also learned what a quarter note is, and followed along with the quarter notes as we said the poem "windshield wipers." Then we got to be creative with a partner and made hand signals to go along with the beat of the poem, and also took turns playing the drum set as each group performed for the class. Last we talked about how God gave the people different languages in our story today, and used what we are learning in Spanish to sing "10 little fingers" in both English and Spanish.
Kids cut bricks from construction paper and painted an abstract painting . Abstract painting represents how God came down and confused the languages. The bricks represents God's people who were building the staircase to Heaven. Paintings will be sent homes soon.
(Coming soon)
Today we talked about The Tower of Babel and practiced the verse Matthew 6:33a "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else..." We learned about the Letter "Dd" as in Dots, the Number 3, the color-Green, and the shape-Rectangle. We also learned about big/little concepts as well as the prepositions "above" and "under."
We had fun learning this new song:
"Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp Around" (Tune: Row Row Row Your Boat)
"Stomp, dinosaur, stomp around
On your great big feet.
Swish your tail, then turn around,
Now go take your seat!"
10/4/2013 A New Beginning (Genesis 6-9)
This week, we explored buoyancy & density. Our yellow group hypothesized about which of these objects would float: paper clip, small plastic plate, sponge, clay ball, foam ball, penny & a clay boat. Then we tested that hypothesis. We discussed why some things are buoyant & others are not. Our red & blue groups did a similar experiment. They received three balls of the same size. Two made of clay & one of Styrofoam. Our question was: what is density & how does it affect buoyancy? We made hypotheses & then set out to make changes to one of the clay balls to cause it to float.
This week we studied Noah’s ark. We used colors, markers, and pencils to draw the ark in our art pad . Mr. Hartsell explained light source and how it relates to shading.
We talked about how God had to flood the earth because of sin, and how He used Noah and his ark. Mr. Hartsell made a really big ark for us to see, out of fun materials.
Key to learning anything is by repetition, especially with languages. Hence, we reviewed and repeated:
NUMBERS 1 - 10
We added some new vocabulary words
Shirt: Camisa (Kahn-mee-sah)
Pants: Pantalón (Pahn-tah-lóhn)
Shoes: Zapatos (sah-pah-tohs)
Ready: Listo (Lees-toh) / singular form
Listos (Lees-tohs) / plural form
Perfect!: ¡Perfecto! (Pehr-fehk-toh)
We also discussed the meaning of goodbye: Adios (ah-dee-ohs) "to God" As well as the difference of gender in the Spanish language: Words generally ending in "a" are feminine (girls). Words generally ending in "o," and sometimes "e" are masculine (boys).
We would like the children to return their coloring pages completed each week. They can lay them on the welcome table when they arrive and the Spanish teachers will pick them up from there. We encourage parents and/or grandparents to get involved with their Spanish practice.
Today we talked about Noah's Ark and practiced the verse, John 14:15
"If you love me, obey my commandments." We learned about the Letter
"Cc" as in caterpillar, the Number 2, the color-Yellow, and the
shape-Square. We worked on identifying some of the letters in our names
and sorting animals. We also learned a new finger play:
The fuzzy little caterpillar went up into a tree (act like your climbing)
spun his cocoon and then (yawn) went to sleep (spin hands)
While he was sleeping he dreamt that he could fly (making flying motion)
When he woke up (loud, excited) he was a butterfly.
9/27/2013 The Terrible Lie (Genesis 3)
Today in science we answered the question, "what is a snake?". To do this we were able to look at a snake skeleton, a snake skin, and a rattlesnake's rattle. Mrs. Rude shared facts about snakes . We learned that snakes are reptiles and that most of them lay eggs. We learned there are two types of snakes, constrictors and venomous snakes. We also learned that snakes are carnivores and that they have some pretty cool features to help them catch their prey. We recorded our findings in our science journals.
Today in music class we learned about keeping a steady beat, fast or slow, and hearing the beat in music. We got to play the instruments along with a recording, and tried to listen to the beat and play along. We also learned the spider song and got to be creative to make up new verses to sing about where our spiders were! While we sang, we got to take turns leading the class by playing a steady beat on Mrs. McGargill's guitar! We also sang the hippo song that we learned last week, which we remembered very well!
Spider Song: ( tune of happy & you know it)
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, he just walked right through the door
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on my toes on my toes...
There's a spider on my toes, and he's wiggling his nose
Think of a place your spider might be and make up a funny rhyme to go with it!!:)
We reviewed what we learned last week; prayer, numbers, colors and greeting.
The way we learned to greet each other was by extending our hand and saying "Mucho gusto, (say your name)!" (PP: moo-choh goose-toh)
We also learn about creation (Genesis) Day 1. We're bringing home a coloring page, that we can do at home! And a printed copy of all the new words and vowel sounds we've learned, and to help parents, help us, they all have their respective pronunciations.
Oscar (the puppet) has a stomach virus, from eating American food. It's an adjustment period for him, but he'll be back in the trenches next Friday.
Today in music class we learned about keeping a steady beat, fast or slow, and hearing the beat in music. We got to play the instruments along with a recording, and tried to listen to the beat and play along. We also learned the spider song and got to be creative to make up new verses to sing about where our spiders were! While we sang, we got to take turns leading the class by playing a steady beat on Mrs. McGargill's guitar! We also sang the hippo song that we learned last week, which we remembered very well!
Spider Song: ( tune of happy & you know it)
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor on the floor.
There's a spider on the floor, he just walked right through the door
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.
There's a spider on my toes on my toes...
There's a spider on my toes, and he's wiggling his nose
Think of a place your spider might be and make up a funny rhyme to go with it!!:)
We reviewed what we learned last week; prayer, numbers, colors and greeting.
The way we learned to greet each other was by extending our hand and saying "Mucho gusto, (say your name)!" (PP: moo-choh goose-toh)
We also learn about creation (Genesis) Day 1. We're bringing home a coloring page, that we can do at home! And a printed copy of all the new words and vowel sounds we've learned, and to help parents, help us, they all have their respective pronunciations.
Oscar (the puppet) has a stomach virus, from eating American food. It's an adjustment period for him, but he'll be back in the trenches next Friday.
Today we learned about the letter-Bb, as in boat. The color we learned was Blue, the number was 1 (one) and the shape was a triangle. Our new concept today was sorting. And we learned three new songs: "Keep Your Tongue From Evil" (Hide Em in Your Heart Vol.1 by Steve Green), Row Row Row your Boat, Baby Bumble Bee.
9/20/2013 The Beginning (Genesis
Today we made a color wheel in the shape of a flower. Then we talked
about how in the beginning, God made everything. We got to use the glue
to paste construction paper into our art pad then we drew "the
beginning" with makers.
Today we learned about hearing and singing different dynamics in music,
singing loud (forte) and soft (piano). We sang the hippo song, which is
about how God made everything (including the hippo) and a couple of
other songs using different dynamics. We also played a game while
singing the song "brown bear." Here are the lyrics to two of the songs.
The hippo song
In the beginning God made the seas
And the forests filled with trees
God made the mountains up so high
Above it all God made the sky
God's Finger prints are everywhere
Just to show how much he cares
In the middle God had some fun
In the middle God had some fun
And made a hippo that weighed a
Hip hip hippopotamus
Hip hip hooray God made all of us
Hip hip hippopotamus
Hip hip hooray God made all of us
Leaves are falling (tune of "Are you sleeping")
Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
To the ground
To the ground
Days are getting shorter
Nights are getting longer
Fall is here
Fall is here
Today we learned a prayer. Then we met Oscar, our Spanish puppet and took turns shaking his hand and learning how to greet and say our names in Spanish. We practiced counting from 1-10 and we learned the colors of our American Flag.
Diosito, gracias por tu amor. (PP*: Dee-oh-see-toh, grah-see-ahs pour two ah-more.)
(God, thank you for your love.)
Blanco - White (PP: blahn-coh)
Rojo. - Red (PP: rrrrroh-hoh)
Azul. - Blue (PP: ah-zool)
1 - ooh-no
2 - dohs
3 - trehs
4 - kooh-ah-troh
5 - seen-coh
6 - say-s
7 - see-eh-teh
8 - oh-choh
9 - noo-eh-veh
10- dee-ehs
Today we learned the letter-Aa as in apple, the color-red, the number- 0 zero, the shape- circle. The
new concepts today were- days of the week, months, calendar, seasons, sequencing, identifying & matching the letters in our names. Our new songs were: shake my sillies out, ABC's, mary had a little lamb, wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider
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